Niranjan Shinde. Copy Copy

September 5, 2020
The training was very good.and the trainer had immense knowledge on the subject like SPC,MSA ,Lean Tools,Six sigma Tools.All participants were from different industries shared good experiences it helps me a lot.
I like step wise approach. i found this IFQ Six sigma green belt and black belt certification programme was exceptional, the 6 days  programme  was remarkable in its value with experienced consultants and impressive course material.
For Green belt certification i did project for First pass Yield improvement (Reduction of curing turn backs)
I Did this project with DMAIC approach where i used following tools for measurement and analysis phase such as , SIPOC,FMEA,Process flow chart,Cause and effect , Control plan,Root cause analysis with Ishikawa diagram (Fish bone  diagram)
Thanks and Regards,
Niranjan Shinde.
9890826422 / 7276012022
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