
How Six Sigma Can Support Data Analytics?

Six sigma teaches you statistical tools which help you for the data analysis. For every situation, data and facts presented in a number manner is of no use.

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Which Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Is More Valued: ASQ or IASSC?

ASQ is the worlds largest body in quality. Deming the most acknowledged Guru in quality is the founder of ASQ.

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How Is Six Sigma Different From Agile?

Six sigma is a more proactive tool for handling data. This tool is not restricted to software.
It can be used in IT, Manufacturing, ITES, Banking, Service Industry.

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How Important Is Six Sigma Certification For An Industrial Engineer?

Most industrial engineers undergoes training in the six sigma.
Six sigma is a part of the industrial engineering.

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How Effective Is 'Six Sigma Into Sales & Marketing'?

Six sigma is very effective in the sales and the marketing, since itโ€™s study begins with the voice of the customer.

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How Much Package Can I Expect, If I Am A Green Belt Holder In Six Sigma?

A package of INR 7 to 8 lacs for 4 to 5 years experienced quality or operation professional is possible at minimum level.

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How Important Is The Six Sigma Certification For MBA Students?

MBA students deals with the decision making & the problem solving. Six sigma primarily focuses on the same.

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How Is Six Sigma Used In The Financial Industry?

Tally used in finance has limited data analysis capabilities. However six sigma using minitab can generate lots of data like. Product wise sales, type of expenses causing loss, etc.

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Would Six Sigma Useful For Software Projects?

YES, 7 management tools used in six sigma has got all important tools like PERT/CPM, competency matrix, etc which are useful for software industry.

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Do Top Management Consulting Firms Need Candidates With Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification?

A qualification in six sigma is useful for all decision making & problem solving situations.

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How Can I Use Six Sigma Methodology To Improve Software Development Process?

DMAIC structured methodology can solve problems like delayed projects, customer complaints, which occur in software projects!

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How Is Six Sigma Beneficial For Logistics?

In logistics, cost of shipment, delayed shipment can cause loss to the organisation, or customer dissatisfaction. Lean process design is used with customer CTQ can reduce delayed shipments.

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Are Six Sigma Practitioners Usually Transactional or Transformational Leaders?

Transactional analysis deals with emotional part of a situation. Where, people are major contributors of process.

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How Effective Is Six Sigma Into Retail?

LEAN design a part of six sigma is best sutied for retail. Retail sale over counter or Etransaction tries to meet customer demand within the limited time. Lean techniques will find a lot of application in the retail sale situation.

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How Can I Implement Six Sigma In My Work In Order To Reduce Delays?

One has to go through the training of lean / ssgb to get oriented with these tools. Once a few examples are solved in the session, your concepts are clear.Six Sigma is all the common sense.

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How Do I Implement Six Sigma In Business Development & Marketing of IT Service Firms?

Six Sigma has few good tools like : Kano Model, CTQ, VOC.
If learnt it properly, it can help in satisfying customers above his expectations.

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How Useful Is Six Sigma Green Belt Certification For Electrical & Automation Maintenance?

Automation systems need timely maintenance. Hence use of TPM is better! There are 7 pillars of TPM. We have good training session in TPM.

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How Does Six Sigma Help As A Operations Associates?

Six Sigma was invented by motorola in their shop floor to resolve customer complaints, reduce waste. This is a patented management philosophy of MOTOROLA. It uses priniciples of DMAIC, DFSS.

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How Does Lean Six Sigma Helps Healthcare Sectors To Grow?

Under health care we have hospitals, clinics as a big segment. They need to offer almost care and wellbeing to the patients. New standards are made applicable to hospitals, under NABL.

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How Is the Six Sigma And Action of the Six Sigma Helpful In the Beverage Industry?

All these users need the lean process design to reduce the cycle time. Six sigma provides the tools and the techniques for the same.

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How Is Lean Six Sigma Helpful To The Pharma Industry?

Pharma Industry needs use of statistical tools in their formulation and product trials. There are lots of variables in a product design which need to be mixed in the right proportion.

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How Is Six Sigma Certification Helpful For Banking Professionals?

There are some special software for the banking professionals. However in the banking working sytems, six sigma is used profusely, especially in the lean part!

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How Does A Six Sigma Green Belt Help In An IT Support Function?

Support function is related to the maintenance of the capital items. The TPM tools is more useful for IT support function.

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How Is Six Sigma Beneficial For The BPO Industry?

BPO needs the lean process and quick resolution of the customer complaints, for which a trained professional of six sigma can reduce customer complaints and time to respond.

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Total Quality Management vs Quality Control

TQM is PQDCSME; this is Productivity, Quality, Delivery, Cost, Safety, Morale, Environment. It deals with unique aspects like safety, morale of employees besides quality.

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Six Sigma vs Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma both topics are same. Lean six sigma is the beginning of six sigma. It is understood that, when you refer the six sigma, lean is done! ASQ treats six sigma as the lean six sigma only.

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Essential Lean Six Sigma Tools To Use With DMAIC Approach.

Lean six sigma is used to reduce waste. Under lean techniques we use following toolsโ€“Process Mapping, 8 Wastes, takt time, VSM, Process Improvement using FMEA.

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Complete Guide To Understand The Role of Benchmarking In Six Sigma

Benchmarking is a very important step in the project charter of six sigma. Every six sigma project begins with a project charter.

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How To Use A Fishbone Diagram?

5M OR 7P in marketing or 4S in service industry are the prominent inputs. Fish bone diagram deals with the resolving likely causes of these inputs!

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The 5 Most Important Lean Six Sigma Tools To Boost Your Process.

Lean Six Sigma Tools : PROCESS MAPPING, TAKT TIME, FMEA, VSM, 8 WASTES. Every process has key inputs.

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10 Tips For Building Green Belt Projects.

Tips for building green belt projects are : Data Collection, Customer Complaints, CTQ, Management Dissatisfaction Areas, Voice of Customer, etc.

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